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Velcro Disc

Velcro Discs known as hook and loop discs are an efficient and versatile solution for grinding and finishing a large group of materials.

These discs can be easily attached and detached to backing pads, from the hook and loop side, allowing different and quick easy changes from grits and materials.

In this blog, we will discover various efforts and managing skills of Velcro discs. How efficient and pronounce they are?

The most convenient and obvious benefit is its convenience. The Velcro discs can be easily attached and detached by hand and no need to use any tool or machine. This process saves time and effort and allows quick changes between grits and materials.

The other benefit is their versatility. These discs come in various grits and materials, making them easy and suitable for a wide range of applications. They can be used in a variety of materials including wood, metal, and plastic. They are more durable than traditional grinding discs.

The hook and loop design of discs allows them to withstand the pressure of speed and grinding and they are not easily worn out or damaged.


Types of Velcro discs

  • Zirconia Alumina
  • Silicon carbide.
  • Diamond.

Tips for getting maximum benefits from your Velcro disc:

  • Always use the correct grit for the machine you are working. The right fit will always be a longer player than a non-fit player.
  • Use a correct backing pad for your Velcro disc. Some require a smooth and some require a rough backing pad.
  • Always wear a proper safety gear while using a grinding tool.
  • Velcro discs are an ultimate solution for grinding and finishing wide range of materials.
  • They are convenient, versatile, and durable making them no 1 choice among manufacturers, builders, fabricators, and DIY enthusiasts.


Choosing a well-versed Velcro disc.

  • Grit- The grit of a Velcro disc defines coarseness and fineness of an abrasive material. Discs with higher grit number are finer and are used for polishing and finishing, while stock with lower grit are used for heavy stock material are coarse. Assure yourself while choosing the material.
  • Material – Velcro are available in silicon, zirconia, Alumina and Diamond. Zirconia and Alumina are used for heavy stock removal. Silicon carbide disc are available for finishing and polishing on metal and wood. Diamond is suitable for heavy stock removal like concrete and tiles.
  • Size – Velcro disc are available from 2 inch to 7 inch. Choose the correct size accordingly.

    Conclusion- Velcro discs are a genuine friend if used wisely. They are friends’ friend but if used badly then no worst enemy of them. So, choose wisely.


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